
Alison Rose Vintage Blog

First mention of Valentine’s Day isn't what you think: A look at Chaucer's 14th century poem

First mention of Valentine’s Day isn't what you think: A look at Chaucer's 14th century poem

Literature's earliest depiction of Valentine's Day is kind of like The Bachelorette TV show except the bachelorette decides to stay single. Grab your favorite beverage and some popcorn and let’s break down the masterful wit of Geoffrey Chaucer's 14th century poem, Parliament of Fowls.

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The most thoughtful last minute Valentine's Day gift

The most thoughtful last minute Valentine's Day gift

Way before manufactured cards and boxes of chocolate, people exchanged poems, love letters, and handmade cards for virtually no money. I hope this blog gives you inspiration for a thoughtful last minute Valentine's Day gift for significant others, friends, family, and yourself.

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February 2024: 29 Days of Love and Kindness

February 2024: 29 Days of Love and Kindness
Welcome to a month-long celebration of love, kindness, and the power of small gestures. This year I put together a 29 Days of Love and Kindness Calendar for us to do one kind thing each day for ourselves and others. Follow along with my calendar or get creative and make your own! The goal is to be as thoughtful and kind as possible for 29 days straight. Are you with me? Continue reading

6 peaceful visualizations to calm your mind

6 peaceful visualizations to calm your mind

Life can be quite overwhelming at times, and our minds become cluttered with anxiety and stress. When this happens, it’s important to find ways to calm our nervous system and recenter. One powerful way to do this is through a meditation or visualization practice. By imagining ourselves in peaceful and tranquil surroundings, we can create a sense of peace within us. Here are six serene visualizations that can help you calm your mind and ease into a new season.

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28 Days of Love: Write a love note a day in February

28 Days of Love: Write a love note a day in February

Do you need a way to beat the winter blues like I do? Join me in my 28 Days of Love Challenge in February! The challenge is simple, yet powerful: in February, write a love note to someone different every day. The act of expressing love and gratitude will uplift our spirits and bring joy to those around us. I've created a calendar in this blog post with a different person to write to each day, and I'll be posting reminders on social media to keep you on track. Follow me on Instagram or Facebook at @alisonrosevintage.

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Choose a word of the year instead of a resolution (with 35 word options)

Choose a word of the year instead of a resolution (with 35 word options)

As one year comes to an end and another begins, many of us put forth our New Year’s resolutions. Although I once chose a resolution that lasted a solid 5 years (volunteering more!), data reveals that resolutions are short-lived. So instead of making a resolution full of pressure and guilt, choose a word that will help you live with better intentions for the year.

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Recovery gift ideas to prevent feelings of isolation

Recovery gift ideas to prevent feelings of isolation

As I lay here, two weeks into my foot surgery recovery, I’m thinking about the many types of recovery—post-surgery, cancer, addiction, mental health—and how each of them can result in a similar feeling: isolation. If we can’t be in person with our loved ones or coworkers who are recovering, there are gifts and gestures that can make them feel less alone, like a handwritten note or a care package. Here are some thoughtful gift ideas to help prevent feelings of isolation.

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